Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) between GOES-15 and NPP
TLE Epoch: 2023 3 9.  Predictions up to the next  14.0 days:

     Date     Time(GOES-15)   GOES-15 Lat/Lon  NPP Lat/Lon    Distance(km)  Time Diff(sec)
 03/09/2023   22:00:27   (  -0.12,-127.81) (  -0.17,-127.96)   17.55                80
 03/10/2023   21:39:04   (  -0.12,-127.78) (   0.87,-123.44)  495.29                80
 03/12/2023   10:00:53   (   0.13,-127.71) (   0.36,-128.70)  113.18                80
 03/13/2023   09:44:50   (   0.13,-127.68) (  -0.64,-124.17)  399.34                80
 03/14/2023   22:06:48   (  -0.13,-127.65) (  -0.55,-129.48)  208.83                80
 03/15/2023   21:45:25   (  -0.14,-127.61) (   0.45,-124.95)  303.06                80
 03/17/2023   10:07:14   (   0.14,-127.52) (   0.75,-130.21)  307.11                80
 03/18/2023   09:51:11   (   0.14,-127.48) (  -0.26,-125.68)  204.78                80
 03/19/2023   22:10:28   (  -0.15,-127.44) (  -0.96,-130.98)  403.65                80
 03/20/2023   21:51:44   (  -0.15,-127.40) (   0.06,-126.45)  108.13                80