Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) near US between AQUA and NPP TLE Epoch: 2022 7 17. Predictions up to the next 10.0 days: Date(AQUA) Time(AQUA) AQUA Lat/Lon Date(NPP) Time(NPP) NPP Lat/Lon Distance (km) Time Diff(sec) 07/22/2022 07:39:00 ( 39.90, -82.99) 07/22/2022 07:36:11 ( 40.32, -85.26) 198.00 169 07/22/2022 09:15:19 ( 49.02,-104.44) 07/22/2022 09:15:03 ( 49.46,-107.13) 201.31 16 07/24/2022 20:12:41 ( 49.96,-108.21) 07/24/2022 20:05:05 ( 49.60,-110.27) 153.75 456