Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) near US between AQUA and NPP TLE Epoch: 2022 7 3. Predictions up to the next 10.0 days: Date(AQUA) Time(AQUA) AQUA Lat/Lon Date(NPP) Time(NPP) NPP Lat/Lon Distance (km) Time Diff(sec) 07/03/2022 18:19:45 ( 49.94, -80.07) 07/03/2022 18:16:52 ( 49.44, -83.17) 229.88 173 07/06/2022 07:45:57 ( 27.19, -87.48) 07/06/2022 07:39:36 ( 27.52, -89.00) 154.07 381 07/06/2022 09:22:16 ( 36.40,-109.71) 07/06/2022 09:18:28 ( 36.74,-111.73) 184.75 228