Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) near US between AQUA and NPP TLE Epoch: 2018 6 1. Predictions up to the next 10.0 days: Date(AQUA) Time(AQUA) AQUA Lat/Lon Date(NPP) Time(NPP) NPP Lat/Lon Distance (km) Time Diff(sec) 06/04/2018 09:24:58 ( 20.02,-114.24) 06/04/2018 09:16:38 ( 19.93,-114.71) 50.83 500 06/07/2018 06:31:06 ( 45.13, -65.49) 06/07/2018 06:30:44 ( 45.46, -67.48) 160.05 22 06/07/2018 08:08:39 ( 49.89, -88.36) 06/07/2018 08:10:49 ( 50.36, -90.81) 182.10 130 06/07/2018 09:47:32 ( 49.89,-113.08) 06/07/2018 09:52:16 ( 50.52,-116.11) 226.53 284 06/09/2018 19:06:48 ( 49.98, -92.53) 06/09/2018 19:01:05 ( 49.64, -94.37) 137.19 343 06/09/2018 20:45:41 ( 49.97,-117.25) 06/09/2018 20:42:33 ( 49.53,-119.69) 182.48 188