Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) near equator between AQUA and NPP
TLE Epoch: 2012 11 5.  Predictions up to the next  14.0 days:

Date(AQUA)     Time(AQUA)   AQUA Lat/Lon   Date(NPP)     Time(NPP)    NPP Lat/Lon    Distance (km)   Time Diff(sec)
 11/07/2012   17:14:12   (  -4.58, 124.59) 11/07/2012   17:04:40    (  -4.40, 123.92)   77.55            572
 11/10/2012   08:48:11   (  29.97,  67.00) 11/10/2012   08:38:11    (  30.04,  66.14)   83.47            600
 11/10/2012   09:29:57   (  -2.47,-119.04) 11/10/2012   09:20:59    (  -2.28,-119.84)   91.09            538
 11/13/2012   00:57:34   (   4.87,-171.29) 11/13/2012   00:47:56    (   4.75,-171.96)   74.87            578
 11/15/2012   16:31:17   ( -29.97, 131.23) 11/15/2012   16:21:17    ( -30.19, 130.34)   89.83            600
 11/15/2012   17:13:14   (   2.63, -54.88) 11/15/2012   17:04:13    (   2.48, -55.68)   89.83            541
 11/18/2012   08:40:36   (  -4.89,-107.05) 11/18/2012   08:30:58    (  -4.73,-107.71)   75.35            578