Moon's Appearance Predictions

Prediction of Moon's Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View

Space View Scan Angle: 65.67 degree; Threshold: 0.5 degree.

Moon's Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View during the next 20.0 days since TLE Epoch: 4/2/2024
Case Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Angle w.r.t. SV Latitude/Longitude/Altitude Moon Phase Angle Waxing Solar Zenith Angle Satellite-Moon Dist.Moon-Sun Dist. Distance Correction
1 2024- 4-15 18:47:41 0.33-48.3, 89.6, 837 90.84 1 140.76 1.055 1.003 1.1202
2 2024- 4-15 18:47:56 0.06-49.2, 89.2, 837 90.83 1 140.00 1.055 1.003 1.1202
3 2024- 4-15 18:48:11 0.38-50.1, 88.8, 837 90.82 1 139.23 1.055 1.003 1.1202
4 2024- 4-19 11:14:11 0.22 -6.9, 33.9, 824 48.64 1 29.06 1.081 1.006 1.1826
5 2024- 4-19 11:14:26 0.13 -6.0, 33.7, 824 48.63 1 28.41 1.081 1.006 1.1826
6 2024- 4-19 11:14:41 0.48 -5.2, 33.5, 824 48.62 1 27.77 1.081 1.006 1.1826

Historical Predications of Moon Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View