Moon's Appearance Predictions

Prediction of Moon's Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View

Space View Scan Angle: 65.67 degree; Threshold: 0.5 degree.

Moon's Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View during the next 20.0 days since TLE Epoch: 6/12/2023
Case Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Angle w.r.t. SV Latitude/Longitude/Altitude Moon Phase Angle Waxing Solar Zenith Angle Satellite-Moon Dist.Moon-Sun Dist. Distance Correction
1 2023- 6-26 2:32:45 0.36 16.4, 345.9, 829 92.98 1 134.24 1.064 1.016 1.1687
2 2023- 6-26 2:33: 0 0.39 15.5, 345.6, 829 92.99 1 135.07 1.064 1.016 1.1687
3 2023- 6-26 4:13:45 0.31 18.1, 320.9, 830 92.18 1 132.60 1.063 1.016 1.1668
4 2023- 6-26 4:14: 0 0.22 17.3, 320.7, 830 92.19 1 133.43 1.063 1.016 1.1668
5 2023- 6-26 4:14:15 0.49 16.4, 320.5, 829 92.20 1 134.25 1.063 1.016 1.1668
6 2023- 6-28 20: 6:30 0.25 73.5, 228.9, 839 60.16 1 50.44 1.026 1.018 1.0903
7 2023- 6-28 20: 6:45 0.17 74.2, 227.1, 839 60.17 1 51.28 1.026 1.018 1.0903
8 2023- 6-28 20: 7: 0 0.49 74.9, 225.2, 839 60.18 1 52.12 1.026 1.018 1.0903
9 2023- 6-28 21:47:45 0.45 72.7, 205.2, 838 59.31 1 49.61 1.025 1.018 1.0883

Historical Predications of Moon Appearance in Satellite NOAA-20's Space View