Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNOs) Predictions

Prediction of SNOs between AQUA and LANDSAT-8 Satellite Orbit:

Table of predicted SNOs for the next 14.0 days since TLE Epoch: 3/8/2024
Index Date (AQUA) Time (AQUA) Lat,Lon (AQUA) SZA (AQUA ) Date (LANDSAT-8) Time (LANDSAT-8) Lat,Lon (LANDSAT-8) SZA (LANDSAT-8 ) Distance(km) Time Diff (sec)
1 03/22/2024 03:40:37 72.63, 128.26 71.74 03/22/2024 03:39:33 72.60, 125.32 71.71 97.70 64

Figure of AQUA and LANDSAT-8 satellite orbits during SNOs since TLE Epoch: 3/8/2024

Download SNOs between AQUA and LANDSAT-8 since TLE EPOCH: 03/08/2024 in txt file.

Historial Predications of SNOs between AQUA and LANDSAT-8